By now, most people know about the perils of identity theft, where someone steals your personal or financial account information and makes fraudulent charges or opens bogus accounts in your name. ID theft can take a serious toll on your […]

When it comes to medical identity theft, more than your money is in danger: This type of fraud could cost you your life. Receiving the wrong blood type, being misdiagnosed, or getting a prescription in error because a fraudster’s medical […]

ID Experts and the Ponemon Institute, announced the results from the Fourth Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy and Data Security. The Study reveals new and expanded threats to the security and privacy of patient information in the U.S healthcare […]

MIFA founding member Experian, has released the study Risks & Rewards of Online & Mobile Health Services: Consumer Attitudes Explored, which examines consumers’ perceptions about sharing their personal information when using online health services and mobile apps. Read the full […]

Most of us tightly guard our credit cards and bank account numbers, but health insurance policy numbers are also prime targets for thieves. An estimated 1.84 million people were victims of medical identity theft in 2013, according to the Poneman […]

Identity theft doesn’t just hit your wallet. It can jeopardize health insurance and medical care. The odds of your becoming a victim of identity theft are greater than ever. The number of consumers whose information was compromised in a recent […]

The Medical Identity Fraud Alliance (MIFA), a public/private sector effort that acts as the intersection between industry, government and consumers announced today that Clearwater Compliance, LLC has joined the organization as a Founding Member. MIFA is focused on developing best […]

Leaders Share Visions for the Future of Secure Identity Infrastructures for Federal, Healthcare, Enterprise and Consumer Environments at 2013 Smart Card Alliance Government Conference The 2013 Smart Card Alliance Government Conference, the leading event for ID security,and the new User-Centric […]

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris released guidelines on Thursday to help prevent medical identity theft, including tips and recommendations for the health care industry, providers and consumers. “Medical identity theft has been called the privacy crime that can kill,” Harris […]

More than 1.8 million medical ID theft victims in 2013 That’s a 19% increase over last year according to the 2013 Survey on Medical Identity Theft. More than 300,000 new medical identity theft cases were reported during the one-year period, […]